
Final Blog - UAVs

UAV’s  Final Blog Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or UAV’s, have been around for quite some time. The first UAV was actually designed and employed before the Wright brothers made their first historic flight. Some of these first drones included aerial vehicles such as balloons, and small planes. I remember hearing a store about an engineer making a small, gas powered, drone that flew about a mile before it ran out of gas; this happened in the late 1800’s. As with much of the technological advancements in this world, war has motivated people to create and advance technology until it has reached a near science fiction level. Before we reached this level in evolution, scientists were still using the technology available to them to impress and wow and kill their advisories. During World War One, the United States military was creating pilotless vehicles that they would load up with explosives and send towards enemy territory to crash and inflict as much damage as possible (IWM Staff, 201

ATC Privatization

1) Describe the fundamentals of our current ATC system vs. the proposed NextGen system. Include details. i.e. "Next Gen is satellite-based." is not enough detail. That current ATC is a series of fixed, ground based stations that guide and direct aircraft in controlled airspaces. They can also offer guidance to aircraft in uncontrolled airspaces. Most ATC bases are equipped with primary and secondary radar to enhance the controller’s situational awareness within their airspace. Most of the aircraft are equipped with transponder equipment that automatically communicates with the towers RADAR, sending info such as speed, altitude, and call sign.  NextGen is a system that was proposed in 2003. The thing about NextGen is that it isn’t just one thing, it’s a series of different radar, communication, and weather monitoring technology that would enhance the safety and operator’s experience in the NAS greatly. There are at least a dozen different types of technologies that wo

Different Organizations

1. What associations will it be important to belong to when you are employed and engaged on your career path?  Identify at least two organizations.  I’m going to take this time you elaborate of the responsibilities of an Air Force Officer, considering I will be commissioning in about a month. I am not currently in the Air Force, but in a holding position between the reserves and active duty, called ROTC. It’s sort of its own thing because I’m obligated to the military, but more so than if I was just in the reserves. To answer the question, an important organization would be, the Air Force. Considering when I join I will be so much more than just an aviator, but an officer. A lot of people forget that part while in training but the fact of the matter is, I will be an officer first, a pilot second. If they need me to do something completely unrelated to flying, I will have to be able to do that, and do it well.  Another thing it will be important to be a part of, which isn’t exa

Global Airlines

1) Describe the US-UAE Open Skies Agreement. List and describe two long-haul carriers that are a part of this agreement that also receive government subsidies. It is an agreement between the US and 124 other nations to allow fair and equal competition on a global scale. The ultimate purpose of this agreement is to limit the amount of government interaction with international transportation of cargo and passengers. That is, to allow free flight over international boarders without government interdiction, to let the airlines regulate pricing, weight limits, and routes based off of the free market. Two long haul carriers that also received government subsidies are Qatar Airways and Emirates Airlines. These two international carriers were receiving an unfair advantage from their government via “no interest, no obligation loans”. The Open Skies Agreement is designed to stop governments from intervening in the open international aviation market. For example, Emirates Airlines contra

FAA Administrator

-What are the qualifications of John Dunkin (President Trump's pilot)? -         He started flying when he was only fifteen. He became Trumps personal pilot in 1982 and has been flying Donald Trump around ever since. He was the head pilot and planner during President Trumps campaign in 2016. Other than these few things I really couldn’t find to much more out about Dunkin (Siren, 2018). -Who are the other candidates for FAA Administrator and what are their qualifications? -         The other candidates are the current FAA administrator, Daniel Elwell, and a Missouri Republican, Sam Graves. Their qualifications very but they are both fully capable individuals for the job. Daniel Elwell was actually appointed by President Trump in 2017 and swore in in June. Since his tenure, Elwell has impressed many in the industry (Elwell, 2018). On the other hand, one report said Sam Graves has actually been reported stating that he doesn’t know that he’s in the running for FAA Admin